Open House

“The House of Fancy” is an exhibition of oil paintings by Mark Dancey that uses the 1880s building that houses Detroit Contemporary Gallery as a theatrical stage set. Dancey is showing life size trompe l’oeil paintings that, when seen in period lighting, will show us ghostly ladies from the house’s sporting past. There is a tango opera onstage, a tarot parlor in the back room, and mysteries revealed upstairs. The show runs from October 5 through October 27, with an opening reception on October 12 from 6:00 to 10:00. Detroit Contemporary is located at 487 West Alexandrine in the city of Detroit.

New World Kaos Tarot

Some time before your college grad child was weaned, Mr. Dancey began depicting the 78 cards that will make up Estanislao de Mediolao’s New World Kaos Tarot Deck. Although he can’t give us a definite date for completion of the project, he occasionally produces evidence that progress is being made. Take a look at the latest addition.




The Better Magazine


MOTORBOOTY was the satirical magazine that broke every rule of zinedom by actually being good. Published between 1987 and 1999, it has gained a reputation among cultural historians as an essential text for understanding America in the 90s. While we have yet to see a scholarly annotated reprint edition of the magazine, it appears that some patient and unauthorized soul has uploaded the contents of every issue to the Internet Archive.  Now it is a simple matter of clicks to view the work of the United Booty Workers —Mike Rubin, Dave Merline, Barry Henssler, Rob Michaels, Dan Rice, Mike Danner, Matt O’Brien, Phil Dürr, Andy Wendler , Bryan Hyland, Mr. Plotnick and Mr. Dancey—as well as comics by Terry LaBan, Lloyd Dangle, Mary Fleener, Peter Bagge, Chris Ware, Michael Kuperman, Jim Blanchard, and Terry Colon. Feast your eyes, glut your soul:


The Latest Caper

Old Dancey has been at it again. Here is his entry for the 2021 Actual Size Biennial at Detroit Contemporary Gallery. He calls it “The Sorrowful Mysteries of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz”